Material Ropeways   

Along with the renovation of the Lycabettus funicular during the first months of 2002, ETEMA installed in Lycabettus hill a material ropeway of the German company Loipolder Seilbahn Tecknik GmbH. The transporter had an overall length of 300 m, a carrying capacity of 2,5 ton and required only one operator. The wire rope of the ropeway was directly attached to the large rocks of the hill, thus reducing significantly the cost of installation since no foundations and counterweights were needed. The ropeway was rented specifically for the needs of this project and was used for 4 months in total. Identical material ropeways can be used in a wide range of applications, such as the carrying of concrete for the construction of foundations of towers of ski lifts. Its transportation is very easily achieved, since all the required material is fitted into only one container!


In the spring of 2004 ÅÔÅÌÁ cooperated with the construction company Edrasi Psalidas SA in the general repair of the footbridge of Ag. Paraskeui in Tempi (central part of Greece). ETEMA supplied the carriage of a horizontal material ropeway manufactured by the Austrian company Koller GmbH. The ropeway had an overall length of 60 m, a carrying capacity of 2,5 ton and it was anchored directly to the foundations of the two bridge towers, thus reducing significantly the cost of its installation. Moreover, ETEMA provided know how and personnel during the installation and removal of the ropeway. It is the second cooperation with that particular company, after the general repair and wall reinforcement made in the tunnel of the Lycabettus funicular.


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